RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Sailing Course

This advanced skippering course does expect a higher level of competency. The certificate is awarded upon completing the RYA course criteria set out in the RYA Log book. Upon successful completion you will be able to manage inshore and coastal passages by day and night with confidence and be able to enter unfamiliar marinas with the application of your advanced navigation, skippering and pilotage skills.

What other courses mix with the RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Sail?

This course only mixes with Comp Crew so you can bring friends and family who want to share the experience with you and learn the ropes for the first time whilst you are perfecting your skippering skills. Also suited to those who are already at Day Skipper level but don't feel ready for the Coastal Skipper Practical and don't have their theory level, but would like to join us afloat for the five days and experience the more advanced teaching with a Yachtmaster Instructor.

Previous Experience Required:

The Coastal Skipper Practical course is suitable for experienced sailors who are already competent at RYA Day Skipper Practical level and have achieved their RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory. You can add the theory as an online course with us at a beneficial package price and we also have a regular classroom version if you prefer a face-to-face teaching environment. You should arrive with a minimum of 15 days sea time and 300nm, you will have already logged 2 days in charge of a sailing yacht as skipper and have eight hours of night sailing hours.

Course Schedule:

1800 Sunday until 1600 Friday

RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Sail Course Dates:

This course can become fully booked months in advance and it only mixes with certain other sailing events so please try and pre-plan your RYA Sailing Course and holiday ahead and take advantage of better priced flights. Please contact us with your preferred training weeks and we will check live availability

  • Sunday 28 July 2024 – fully booked
  • Sunday 25 August 2024 – fully booked
  • Sunday 1 September 2024 – fully booked
  • Sunday 6 October 2024 – fully booked
  • Sunday 17 November 2024
  • Sunday 8 December 2024

What’s Included:

You will be perfecting your skippering abilities sailing on one of our five Jeanneau 389 sailing yachts!

Fresh bed linen & towel, berthing fees, gas, water, electricity, fuel & Spinlock lifejackets; the same the pros choose due to their superior quality and comfort. Welcome pack: tea, fresh ground coffee & instant coffee to get you settled onboard. Breakfast & light lunch is included as part of your course. Candidates love heading out in the evenings to enjoy dinner together at Ocean Villages' fantastic variety of onshore restaurants & don't forget the sundowners Med style - the best apres-sail holiday vibe.

RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Sail Gibraltar Course Price 2024 :

  • £850 per person
  • £995 single occupancy private cabin
  • £1700 double occupancy private cabin
  • £3250 private yacht

If you choose not to guarantee your own cabin, you may be allocated one of the two saloon berths. Couples, friends or family can guarantee a double occupancy private cabin which can be set up as a twin, or double.

The next course:

If you are already a Coastal Skipper your next course of action is to put your coastal skippering skills into practice on a longer trip. We run regular 12 day passage trips adventuring further afield along the Spanish and Portuguese Atlantic coastline. Then you may wish to consider the Yachtmaster Coastal or a skills week with Allabroad to focus on close quarter handling and the trickier elements of skippering yachts.

VHF SRC Radio Course is an essential addition to the Coastal Skipper course since all charter and flotilla companies require one person to hold a valid radio license. This is easily added to your Allabroad course package as an online study course prior to you arriving and a short assessment session whilst on your course.