MCA STCW95 / STCW10 Update Course 

Our update courses run on set dates and require 100% attendance.

The full update course duration, for the mandatory STCW Basic Safety Training, is two days with Allabroad Maritime Academy. A third day can be added to meet the separate requirements for updating of First Aid certification for those under EU member state flagged vessels legislation. For more details about why updating was introduced and when you may find it helpful to read this blog post on our website

STCW Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting element requires that you have remained competent at wearing breathing apparatus and taken part in regular fire drills onboard ship, this should be documented officially. Our update course runs over one day, however candidates can choose to attend the full two day event at the same price giving those who have not met these workplace requirements a greater grounding on which to succeed on the Wednesday's hot drill day.

Thursday is the STCW Personal Survival Techniques and once again it is a full day to give you the background of survival at sea before taking to the pool for the life raft wet drills in immersion suits and life jackets.  To qualify for the update pricing and certification, your original STCW certificates must still be within their 5 years validity date at the time of attendance, in exceptions circumstances a leeway of attendance within one month will be permitted whereby the seafarer has been on active sea service and unable to attend a training centre.

When attending update or first time training, your time with us is classed as active service time as per the Marine Labour Convention. You are not to be on active duty or on call ten hours before the start of the course and for ten hours after the end of the course. This is for your own safety, the safety of the other delegates and lectures and the safety of your workplace colleges too.

Allabroad STCW Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting
Allabroad STCW Personal Survival Techniques
Allabroad STCW Elementary First Aid

Fire Prevention .....


  • Wednesday 07 Aug 2024
  • Wednesday 21 Aug 2024
  • Wednesday 04 Sept 2024
  • Wednesday 18 Sept 2024
  • Wednesday 02 Oct 2024
  • Wednesday 16 Oct 2024
  • Wednesday 06 Nov 2024
  • Wednesday 20 Nov 2024
  • Wednesday 04 Dec 2024
  • Wednesday 18 Dec 2024

Personal Survival .....


  • Thursday 08 Aug 2024
  • Thursday 22 Aug 2024
  • Thursday 05 Sept 2024
  • Thursday 19 Sept 2024
  • Thursday 03 Oct 2024
  • Thursday 17 Oct 2024
  • Thursday 7 Nov 2024
  • Thursday 21 Nov 2024
  • Thursday 05 Dec 2024
  • Thursday 19 Dec 2024

Elementary First Aid ...


  • Friday 09 Aug 2024
  • Friday 23 Aug 2024
  • Friday 06 Sept 2024
  • Friday 20 Sept 2024
  • Friday 04 Oct 2024
  • Friday 18 Oct 2024
  • Friday 08 Nov 2024
  • Friday 22 Nov 2024
  • Friday 06 Dec 2024
  • Friday 20 Dec 2024

Two Day Option £570 (Fire + Survival)

This two day refresher course is mandatory within every 5 years in order to keep your STCW Basic Training Certification valid. Your current STCW certificates MUST be issued within five years in order to be valid as per the January 2017 enforcement of the Manilla amendments. All certificates issued in 2018 will need updating in 2023 - plan your update in so that you don't miss work opportunities. The 2 day course always starts on a Wednesday morning, see dates above.

Three Day Option £705 (Fire + Survival + First Aid)

Although not a requirement under the Manilla amendments many employers require you to also renew your Elementary First Aid or hold a higher level in date first aid certificate as per EU member state flagged vessel rules, in particular the Master in Charge of the vessel. Those who wish to add a commercial endorsement or maintain a commercial endorsement on a RYA Yachtmaster Certificates or other commercial RYA certificates must ensure that their first aid certificate remains in date at all times; for the STCW Elementary First Aid it is valid for five years from issue and the RYA First Aid certificate is valid for three years from issue. RYA or MCA STCW certificates are accepted for commercial use on RYA Commercial Certificates. Don't get caught out being non-complient. The one day Elementary First Aid course can be added on as an extra day upgrade to your package on the final Friday. Or why not upgrade your level of First Aid Competence to the MCA STCW Medical First Aid four day course and sparkle up your cv a little more.

How to book:

Lodge your details & hold your place for 12 hours using this form 

Confirm your place with full payment using online card payment

You will receive confirmation of booking & joining details email within the hour

Need to ask a question? Call or WhatsApp on 0044 7872 221143

Prefer to write? Send us an email on, write us a WhatsApp or use the Webchat box